Countdown to Gen Con 2020: Days 170 to 161
Every morning on our Instagram, we’re featuring a board game along with the number of days remaining until Gen Con. We're trying to do a different game every day, though this might require some trips to Doughnuts and Dragons once we exhaust our personal collections.
Games Featured:
Day 170: Sagrada
Day 169: Twilight Imperium: 4th Edition
Day 168: Space Base
Day 167: Love Letter
Day 166: Everdell: Pearlbrook
Day 165: Photosynthesis
Day 164: Santorini
Day 163: Catan
Day 162: Ganz Schön Clever
Day 161: Ceylon
These ten included some of the newest additions to our collection (Space Base, Everdell: Pearlbrook, and Ceylon) as well as some of our older favorites (Catan and Photosynthesis). Both Love Letter and Ganz Schön Clever are available as apps, which is a great way to try out a game with less financial commitment.
Twilight Imperium is such a beast that we've only played it once, and partially at that. Shut Up and Sit Down made an excellent documentary about TI that we highly recommend.
Element feels a bit like Onitama expanded for more players. Santorini falls somewhere in-between those two in strategic difficulty. We've recently bought the Sagrada expansion, Passion, but have yet to give it a try.